Sunday, August 28, 2005


Why elitism is getting to be like racism...
Nothing wrong of having a group of people good in something...but the doors should not be closed to others...This is what is happening

Elistism... the Dodo-island (Dodo-ism ?) form of it is to be denounced as racism ...its like casteism in India or the old money monkeys in England.

The generation post the 1950....worked hard to open doors of opportunity but they are closing for others...

They make sure that their kids need places in College Royal and Queen Elizabeth college...
Why is it that those without connection does not make it to tertiary education...or lets say only a few can...

I remember the days of the Unesco-minister where scholaships were sneaked distributed ...who got the Australian scholarships...who would not even know the ranks past the first 10.

Why "protect your montagne"...

Opportunity is as important as freedom as speech or concept of equality whatever be your race or gender or religion or sexual behavior.

Keeping the doors of opportunity closed and letting your sibblings, friends, or your own class through the back door is despicable.

I remember 2 years ago an old man from Riviere des Anguilles came to get his passport renewed...he was told to take a form and get it filled....obviously that will take him through a few he had to go back and get somebody fill that for him.....simultaneously a Dodoist came along with a clerk (cousin, or family or pal) and she got in and got her passport application on a fast track...Isn't that despicable.....Change the actors ..Dodoist by white people and old man black...we would call this as racism isn't it ?

Its no point of going to "College Royal" if your talent is not academia or medicine...let those who can do. Give pride to every job... And college Royal was a tragedy of education...I remember that famous physics teacher who did not even know what he was talking ....except horse races....
That's elistism for you...

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Self-righteous, aboslute truth etc...

Interesting article in many senses.

Here is what i would call a mirror reflection of the religious extremists. Claim to be different but same coat ...different color though !

Its easy to just stand on one side of the wall and find all the bad guys on the other side.
Religious people do it, politicians do it...why not journalists or even ... teachers too (sadly enough)

Question: why is Mao and Che different from Mandela, Dalai Lama or Gandhi ?

Respect for life....Mao, Che, Stalin believed they had absolute truth and a few or more life here and there is okay ...How is that different from Bush and the religious right of the US, say ? Nada ...similar....just different in stench...but stench all the same.

Bad things occured to many...but don't forget opportunity...are the doors of opportunity open on reservations...its more open than in Dodo island...Can you imagine what somebody born in Cite Malherbes or Camp Caval or Quatres-Soeurs, with no cousin in government offices, have to go through to get a passport say ....Or would it be possible in my life time to see a fully qualified commissioner of Police...born in Rodrigues ?

How may workplace (private or public) in Dodo-Island can you see people getting promotions systematically for their capabilities with no glass ceiling ...if there are more than 10% of such work places, you'd pleasantly surprise this Ti-gens (Tizan)

PS: I wonder what this "Journalist" know about what a "concentration camp" is ...Is there no difference between "Dachau, Auschwitz or even Camp-X-ray" and the "Indian reservations of today" ( Wikipedia definition )...High horses can keep the head of the rider in clouds sometimes...bending down may give a better visibility !

Monday, August 15, 2005


It a sure sign of stupidity if you think that you are the only one thinking !


Sunday, August 07, 2005

Ancestry and all that ...

Well why are we so proud of our ancestry... for goodness i to go and die because, say, my grandfather was a thief. Do not the blood relatives of Hitler have a right to live for what they are as individuals ?!

Cheese..Colonization brought very bad things but it brought good things lets build on that but not lets forget history...ignoring or rewriting history ..we know where that lead....Please keep the facts straight.

And please be proud of what you do...what your grandfather or ancestors did was there problems or achievements ...sure you can be proud or be ashamed if they are alive...but you have not contributed to that.

We are a society of individuals and not a society which behaves as an individual. so characterizing by large groups have no meaning except just to create my group against your group...

We group of people of 28 teeth are proud of our members ...they never do wrong...all wrong are done by those having different number of teeth as us...Long live 28 teethers !!