Self-righteous, aboslute truth etc...
Interesting article in many senses.
Here is what i would call a mirror reflection of the religious extremists. Claim to be different but same coat ...different color though !
Its easy to just stand on one side of the wall and find all the bad guys on the other side.
Religious people do it, politicians do it...why not journalists or even ... teachers too (sadly enough)
Question: why is Mao and Che different from Mandela, Dalai Lama or Gandhi ?
Respect for life....Mao, Che, Stalin believed they had absolute truth and a few or more life here and there is okay ...How is that different from Bush and the religious right of the US, say ? Nada ...similar....just different in stench...but stench all the same.
Bad things occured to many...but don't forget opportunity...are the doors of opportunity open on reservations...its more open than in Dodo island...Can you imagine what somebody born in Cite Malherbes or Camp Caval or Quatres-Soeurs, with no cousin in government offices, have to go through to get a passport say ....Or would it be possible in my life time to see a fully qualified commissioner of Police...born in Rodrigues ?
How may workplace (private or public) in Dodo-Island can you see people getting promotions systematically for their capabilities with no glass ceiling ...if there are more than 10% of such work places, you'd pleasantly surprise this Ti-gens (Tizan)
PS: I wonder what this "Journalist" know about what a "concentration camp" is ...Is there no difference between "Dachau, Auschwitz or even Camp-X-ray" and the "Indian reservations of today" ( Wikipedia definition )...High horses can keep the head of the rider in clouds sometimes...bending down may give a better visibility !
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