Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Di-monologues between Hammer Smith and Screw Driver

Driver: Howdy Smith ... I need a tool to hammer on things, I have been using a boulder to hit nails and screws and break rocks. And now that I have more work I find it difficult and painful to use a screwdriver to do that

Smith: Give me a few days to think over this problem and I'll try to design you a good tool for your job., especially I know some things about hitting on objects

After the proverbial few days Driver is back...

Driver: So did you make me something interesting.

Smith: Oh yes.. I have designed you the right tool I think...It has a heavy and hard head and a long grip holder ...You get a lot of leverage when you swing it,,,,so you can hit much more efficiently..
I made the grip smooth for comfort. The head is made of steel to last long. Hammer I'll call it.

Driver: Okay it looks interesting...I'll try it out...

After a few more proverbially boring days...Driver is back at the Smith's shop

Driver: You know...I don't like your hammer... I have never used anything like this and its odd.
Its so different from using a boulder to hit on things...

Smith: Let me show you how to use it... See grip it like this and hit on things ....Like that..
isn't that easier than using a boulder....So you see the precision you get at hitting too..And the force you want to hit things is more controllable. And boy it should be less tiring

Driver: I am not so sure...You know what: I really want a boulder to hit things...So can't you make me a tool that resembles a boulder and behaves like a boulder...

Smith: I'm telling you the hammer is so much better and easier...

Driver: You know I am paying you ...So I tell you make me a boulder...

Smith: May be but may be not...Why don't you use your boulder...And let me find something else to do !!!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Once upon a time
There was a slime
Who wanted to be lime
But never had the time

But who knew lemon
can could be confused with none
yet there many a tonne
That got pressed by this lemon

Going around blowing hot air
He thought he had flair
and started to use nair
but the matter has never been air

Ultimately he crashed to the ground
As air cannot hold mound
And that ultimately he found
when he started to peel the ground