Sunday, August 07, 2005

Ancestry and all that ...

Well why are we so proud of our ancestry... for goodness i to go and die because, say, my grandfather was a thief. Do not the blood relatives of Hitler have a right to live for what they are as individuals ?!

Cheese..Colonization brought very bad things but it brought good things lets build on that but not lets forget history...ignoring or rewriting history ..we know where that lead....Please keep the facts straight.

And please be proud of what you do...what your grandfather or ancestors did was there problems or achievements ...sure you can be proud or be ashamed if they are alive...but you have not contributed to that.

We are a society of individuals and not a society which behaves as an individual. so characterizing by large groups have no meaning except just to create my group against your group...

We group of people of 28 teeth are proud of our members ...they never do wrong...all wrong are done by those having different number of teeth as us...Long live 28 teethers !!


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