Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Rosa Parks

It took a simple courageous act of refusing to stand up.
It was just a simple statement...enough is enough...this is not fair.
It did not take any violence at all...no swearimg, no stone throwing and no political plan.

Rosa Parks passing away...again brought to the fore that there is an alternative way.
Courage and determination and non-violence achieve.

I know people say that, for example, the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans are not getting Tibet back
by being non-violent....may be they are not getting back but they are not losing themselves in
the process.

I know there are many corageous people out there ...who are doing incredible things and standing up to the odds and facing it without trying to be harmful...this picture is for y'all.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

In a country Far Far away

Long ago in a country
way in the far distance
A group from the gentry
Wanted to show others as dunce

They decided to prove
that intelligence is overated
Search they did in every groove
Till they got the fated

Stupid he had to be
and so much so that all
incredulous that they be
character it will be called

Every word out of the twits'
mouth was twisted in such extent
in meaning that a cube fits
into a ball without a dent.

Impressed were the petite bourgeoisie
that they sizzled in their pant
whenever he proposed a stupidity
off they go and excited they chant.

Wow wow our Bushitine
Lover of the martian god
You are master of our spine
And owner of our bod.
