Sunday, September 25, 2005

Smell the coffee

It is crazy how people are without vision with respect to energy...

We are having grund vehicles with engines that were designed in the 1950's. The efficient SUV give you 26 mpg running on ! Reality check are we in 2005 ?!

Jeez if we plan to provide some decent living to 10 billion people this is not the way...Solar energy is still in its dark age...Wind energy just barely ahead except people with a view hates it.

Where are you ...deciders with a vision ?
Using potato fries oil as bio diesel is good experimentation for the kids...

We need some good investment in energy transport reasearch...fuel cell or not ...research is too slow.
Energy source may be solar farms in the Sahara, Gobi desert, Rajasthan, Australian out back, Nevada? Wind farms Fusion ? Nuclear ? Geothermal ? Combustion engines should have beed passed tense by now...and lets face it, now despite having people with blinds running the whole...days of oil is over.

If you can't smell the coffee then don't blame the aroma ...check your nose !


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