What ails the 3rd world ?
Why is it that in this day and age some countries are not coming out of poverty....Is it the fault of the superpowers or ex-colonial powers...Partly...
What is the other reasons when you see that some of the countries have the resources to come out but yet don't....
Is it genetic or is it social:
I'll take example a lot on the Dodo-island....
I do believe its upbringing....
In Dodo-island many people don't do their job because they are expected to and get paid for it but they will do it for you as a favor. It starts from the politician to the clerk you go to see to get an application form. (though there are exceptions...Postal service seems to be beyond this..They work for their money and more !)
Everything is a favor for you...you go to get a loan...you need to know people to do you a favor...you need to register your car...same problem or you wait for 5 hours.
You see if people start thinking that they have a responsibilty for the money they get then may be things might work..instead of giving favors and begging for some. If you think you are underpaid for the job you are doing...then look for another one or fight for better pay but don't penalize the old lady you don't know and who knows nobody to get a favor.
Respect for others more than you respect yourself...and may be there might be less violence...because if one respect others lives...then one won't consider power more important that human lives....
After all what's the point really ?
Find a good clear night... lay on your back and look into the sky...and may be the answer might creep in a little bit
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