Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Once upon another time

Yes things like this are not happening we are in the 21st century ...right.

So this story is of a time long long ago
There were many kingdoms and one them was called Axest and the people in general believed that clouds were their God. In the kingdom of Yewnork people believed that their God was the breeze.
So the kingdoms would go to war and send spies and priest to convert the people of the other kingdoms, you know all these silly things that we no longer do nowadays.

In that time there was a joker who was called
El Tizan

Well El Tizan liked to make fun of others and never thought of harming anybody but just for a
good laugh. He lived in kingdom of Axest. And the king was King Gropiao II

One day he was at the Gropiao I dino station (they used to travel on tamed T-Rex backs in those days).
You've realized that the station was named after the King's father. There were dodos all over the station announcing the schedule for the different dino destinations. Dodos in those days were being kept as slaves for their beautiful voices and kept in chains. By the way that is how dodos lost their ability to fly and their wings ultimately.

One of the announcements that the dodos were making is that it is unpatriotic and against the law to make fun of the kingdom and the king. So El-Tizan could not resist to mke fun of Gropiao II. He saw no harm in cracking a joke. So he told a joke to the person standing next to him how the "wind" blew "clouds" over gropiao I and it rained over him..well this is no joke and you would not laught at this even if pissed drunk . Now Axestans believed that clouds are gods and they blew wind and wind created rains....so El-Tizan's neighbour wasn't laughing.

Poor El-Tizan.....he was put in jail and sent for execution for just cracking a bad joke....can you imagine that ?

No such thing happen nowadays ..right ? We are in the 21st century....we are better ain't it now ?


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