Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Suenos: Fair trade medicine

Saving life or improving the quality of life of sick people cannot be balanced with does not make sense... So how to you fund research in such an environment.

Governments are corrupt. And you can't trust when they will get sold to this corporation or that one.

The dream is to be able to provide affordable medicine to people who needs it. The argument is that drugs for AIDS, say, are expensive because one has to pay for research.

The dream is that we should be able to build a company whose investors are not onvesting for immediate profits but invest to get a voice in the direct where research should happen.

The company is not to be a charity but a strictly not for profit. Extra money is to be invested in research. Medicine developed by this company is to be open sourced. No patenting. Profits or investment can be used to buy patents of critical drugs.

Critical medicine will be sold as cheap as necessary...saving life is important. Non critical drugs can be sold for profits to finance the other parts.

Well that's the dream ....


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