Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The problem of memory

History repeats itself it seems if we do not learn from it. On the other hand what's the point of is memory to create more hate.

May be it might be better to be "short memoried" and risk of repeating history than remember history and hate somebody totally unrelated to events past.

That is what we do...we take deeds of past as genetic inheritance.

Descendants of tribe X hate those of tribe Y because somebody in tribe Y stole something from somebody in tribe X 4000 years ago.

Does that sound stupid ?

How much in one's day to day dealings does one find oneself making judgement not on an individual's doing but on where one's genetic material come from ?

One's genetic material does not define one...otherwise twins would not be different individuals...

So forget the past ... deal with somebody you don't know with no hang up or predjudice or prior history of his or her "kind"...and the world will be more peaceful.


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